Memorial Day Weekend: Drummers Grove

On Sunday afternoon of Memorial Day Weekend, we took the kids to the Prospect Park Drummers Grove. We LOVE this place. We go as often as we can. This time we took our own instruments with hope that it would keep Israel from touching other people's drums, and it worked. He was so proud to be drumming along.


The Drummers Grove is one of those places that just makes us love living here in Brooklyn. So much culture and heritage right here! People bring their own instruments, just naturally pick up each other's rhythms, and come together in unity. It's so beautiful. And our little Ethiopian-American can make music with other people that look like him (and some are FROM Ethiopia!).

Even us white girls had fun:

What was so cute was that Israel started to shimmy and dance like the other drummers as he was drumming.


When this little guy is in his happy place, we are ALL brimming with joy. He can be so sweet.

Our friend Rosa came over and joined us for a bit, and she took this family photo:

We went through a drive-thru McDonalds on the way home (happy meals for the kiddos!) and Edith was SO happy with her new tiny stuffed toys.

Another great afternoon in the books. Perfect weather, happy family, and God's grace so evident to us.

See also: Drummer's Grove April 2017, Drummer's Grove Labor Day 2016

Memorial Day drummers grove 2017 from Rebekah McGee on Vimeo.
