Girly Girl

{day 4 of Little Moments Big Impact!}

Edie girl, our second child, has been such a fun addition to our family. I love having a little girl!

Edie is our dramatic, doll-loving, accessory wearing, emotion switching baby. It is amazing to me how incredibly different my kids are, and I'm fascinated at the girliness Edith possesses. I both fear and look forward to the future of Edith's life. I look forward to watching her personality grow and watching her innate femininity point to the beauty of Christ. We pray often for the Lord to protect her and guide her in today's culture.

For today, I'm thankful for the little things that make my daughter who she is. She is feisty, she is snugly, she is silly, and she is adventurous. God formed her and made all of the little parts of her personality for a specific purpose- His glory. It's a privilege to be her mom, and I can't wait to see how the Lord draws her to Him and how her redemption story is written. 


  1. I think I recognize her doll! I'm so glad she likes it :)


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