Back to Back Dates!

Two Fridays in a row Will and I got to go on dates!!! This miraculous blessing was from our parents. One weekend we visited Will's parents and they let us go out at night. They put the kids down, we went bowling. It was so fun and a great chance to just be carefree for a while. Unfortunately, we're pretty terrible bowlers.

The next Friday, my parents came to see us one last time before they moved. They wanted us to have a "day off" so Will and I drove to Gadsden and went shopping, sipped coffee, and saw a movie. It was crazy to just have time to kill and no agenda.

I'm really thankful for time alone with my husband. Little kids are exhausting in the best way. Both times we were away, we were ready to get back and find out how our kids were and to give them kisses! It's amazing how needed and refreshing it is to have time as a couple. I wish we could "date" more, but we're blessed that the kids have early bedtimes.

It's important for us to spend time together and make sure we're staying connected, having fun, and reminding each other why we're best friends and loves. Marriage is such a blessing. We need to take little moments to invest in our marriage. How often do you go out on dates?
