Small Graces (Winn Dixie)

I really hate having to take my kids to the store. If possible, I take just Edith on days that Israel is at school. Even then, she is strapped to me in the Ergo! If we go to Wal-Mart, they both have to sit in the cart and I don't really have room for groceries. At Winn Dixie, the car-shaped shopping cart only provides so much entertainment before Edith is climbing out of her seat, demanding to be held.

The other day I had to grab a few things before a dinner we were hosting with our students, and the kids were miraculously well-behaved. It helped that they got free cookies from the bakery!

Literally seconds after this picture was taken, Israel threw his cookie across the store

Little moments like these: successful, minimal tantrum outings... they are God's grace to me! My toddlers are unpredictable, and there's really no way to plan a perfect outing - even a quick trip to the store. So thank you Lord for the rare but wonderful trips when I feel like "hey, we can make it through this!"
