Dyker lights

Last weekend people from our church met and walked together through Dyker Heights. Dyker Heights is just one neighborhood over from Bay Ridge, where we live in Brooklyn. It is known for its epic Christmas lights, and many people make the pilgrimage from throughout the city to look at them. There are even tour buses that come and police men who are helping with traffic. 

We met at the park and when Israel asked to "wing" we couldn't tell him no!

The kids often like to lean on each other for some snuggles. 

Edie holding mama's hand on the walk home. 

This is Bay Ridge (took it when we got back in our neighborhood).
It was really fun walking around with church friends, and we even got dinner with a few people afterwards. The kid were absolutely awesome in their stroller and I think they enjoyed the lights! We are excited about new family traditions!
