Kitty Stone Farewell

Israel aged out of Early Intervention in October when he turned 3, and he has been receiving therapy from Kitty Stone and going to pre-k one day a week for a half day. He has the sweetest little friends! We went to a Valentine's Day party and one little friend wanted to push him into the class, and another little friend fixed him an ice cream bowl with what she thought his favorite toppings would be.

When we told our Kitty Stone teachers that we were moving, they went ABOVE and BEYOND to make sure we were equipped to move to New York and have every t crossed and every i dotted when it came to our IEP and assessments. I can't thank them enough for helping me feel more prepared!

On Israel's last day of pre-k his teacher presented me with a sweet little scrapbook. All of the kids wrote what their favorite thing about Israel was, and it was so sweet to read their answers and see their pictures that they drew of him.

I have to be honest that I was very worried about the transition into the school system. I have been so thankful for the teachers and therapists that have included him and have helped us work towards our goals. We are sad to be starting over again, but this past year has proven that the Lord is so faithful in the details and that our boy is loved no matter where he goes! Thank you to Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Weathers, the therapists and IEP team!
