When the Roof Falls In on You

Last week was one of those weeks where everything just seemed to go wrong. Monday morning I didn't have any clean workout clothes, so I couldn't go to the gym. I was sitting in the den with Edith at the time when I would have been at a class I attend regularly, and I heard water dripping from the bathroom... more gushing than dripping! We've had a regular leak in the bathroom since December, and just keep a silver bucket in the bathroom for the times it leaks. This was a major gush so our super took the matter seriously and decided to peel back the ceiling to investigate. Doing so caused the ceiling to fall down! It was a major mess. Every inch of our bathroom was covered in dirt, rocks, leaky mystery water, and brown gunk. I had to throw out bath toys and wash everything in there (a major laundromat event!).

Literally as the ceiling was caving in, I got a call from Israel's school saying that we had to pick him up RIGHT NOW because he was sick. He had a fever and was throwing up. He ended up being sick for almost an entire week and finally kicked the mystery illness with an antibiotic after missing an entire 5 days of school and church.

It was a long week. It took a few days to get our ceiling fixed and bathroom cleaned. Our super is supposed to patch it up for good this week. We're finally healthy and I'm ready to resume a routine of leaving the house!! Our apartment felt very tiny last week and having one bathroom was a bit of a crisis! But alas, we made it through and I had a great weekend at a fashion show and a Parakaleo ministry training as a reward.

God has been teaching me that he is building resiliency in me and that this winter, although it has been full of challenges and trials, has been shaping my character. How do I respond when things are falling apart? Do I see God's purpose in the chaos? Am I trusting in His goodness and faithfulness when things are not going my way? I wish I could say I always respond with grace and gratitude but that would be a lie!

I don't share every hard thing about our life because that's not really what I want to remember. But I do want to share that even in the hard times we are given what we need. Friends who have cared for us, sweet moments of snuggles with the kids, scriptures and quotes that speak directly to our hearts.

Here's to a new week, a clean bathroom and healthy kids!
