No Answers (again)

I don't like to post much about Israel's health needs here except for general things. I've mentioned that he has special needs, and that we have a pretty involved therapy schedule at times.

This summer we've seen a LOT of specialists and doctors, and we aren't really any closer to figuring out how to best define Israel's needs. I really thought we'd be at a different place now, and that we would have a label to identify with. I really wanted it. My husband Will was afraid that a label would be too defining, and that there would be stigma and hardships ahead. Either way, we love our little boy and think he is perfectly and wonderfully made. We just want to know what makes him tick and how to best advocate for him.

But after all of these appointments, and many, many trips to the doctor, lots of miles put on the car traveling to physicians and LOTS of money spent... we're no closer. No new answers. We've kind of ruled out things, but nothing is certain.

On the flip side, we ARE seeing progress in our boy. I recently wrote about how his pincer grasp has finally come about, and that he is doing a great job with self-feeding! I'm so proud of him and we remain hopeful that he will make progress.

All this to say? It's hard. It is hard not knowing answers. It is hard being in the unknown place still, and to look ahead and not know what the future will look like. I dream that Israel will walk and crawl and run and play sports. Do I know when those things will happen? No. Do I know why those things aren't happening yet? No.

So we're at a place where we are, again, setting our desires for answers aside. We just have to trust God's sovereignty and know that there is a reason that we are in this unknown season. We're choosing to not pursue additional specialists right now unless we have to.

What do I want from our support system? Just to walk beside us. Affirm us in hoping but acknowledge that it is hard too. Help us out. Give me grace when it is hard for me to celebrate your kid's milestones.... but don't be afraid to tell me about how fantastic your kid is, because I want to share your joy too. Pray for us.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12: 12


  1. I'm sorry Bekah. I know that you just want to know so that you can best help Israel. Praying that in time things will come together but for now praising God for the progress Israel has made so far!!!

  2. Praying friend. Lots of love your way.


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