Grad School: One Semester Down!

I'm so thankful that my first semester of grad school is behind me! AND I completed it being very pregnant! Woo hoo!

This feels like a huge accomplishment in many ways. The main one, of course, being that I have been LARGELY pregnant the whole time of classes, and that I have been able to do so well being 5 years removed from undergrad. The Lord has shown His favor this summer and I am so grateful. I am reminded that I love learning and that it is a privilege to go back to school! I am really excited about getting my Master of Social Work and hope that the next two semesters will be just as great.

The rumors are that the summer is the hardest of the three semesters for my program, because you're taking 4 classes (12 hours) in 8 weeks time. There was an assignment due almost every day. I had to stay on top of the work and really manage time well. Remember the whole faithfulness not excellence speech? Yeah, well I had to remind myself of that often. Even up to the end I felt like the final assignments I turned in weren't my best quality, yet I was able to turn them in and keep my priorities straight. I must give a grand shout out to my husband who was my number one encourager and support system. He's such a blessing to let me go to school now, amidst this crazy season! Also, my friend Laura kept Israel during my cohort class one day, and my mother-in-law who kept Israel twice so I could work on school. Seriously, it takes a village to raise kids AND go to grad school! :)

So, I have 3 weeks of break until my fall classes start on August 21. Will leaves this week for classes in Nashville and comes back next week. I'm 37 weeks pregnant, and during my 3 week break I'll have a baby! Woo hoo! Sounds like a vacation, right? :)

To celebrate my summer accomplishment I'm finishing off the Anne of Green Gables series. I've been reading them all summer at night to give myself a brain break. So far, Anne of the Island was my favorite book in the series. Ahhh Anne and Gilbert. I'm pretty much done "nesting" and don't want to risk going into labor early while Will is away, so there won't be much exercising or exerting myself while he's gone!

What do you like to do to reward yourself for hard work? 


  1. Congratulations! Your post about faithfulness really spoke to me as I am a recovering perfectionist. :)

    You are an inspirational woman...Glory be to Jesus!


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