Thanks Jenny!

Yesterday I got a fun package in the mail from my friend Jenny (whom I have never met, we connected through blogs!):

Formula, Body Wash, and Coupons!

This package is so special because all of it is going to Ethiopia!

Ever since I posted about collecting formula to take to Ethiopian orphanages, I have had such positive response and some people have sent me MULTIPLE boxes of goods to take over (that is a lot of $$ for shipping too!).

There have been several people who have joined me in collecting formula/ coupons to get formula- and I have been so blessed by you Hope, Jenny, Allison, Meredith, Sarah... (I hope I didn't forget anyone!).

It means so much to me, not just because I didn't know these people before this process, but because other people care enough to support these kids who desperately need formula to survive. Thank you so much Jenny and others!

And if you would like to join in and send anything for Ethiopia, email me (yestoadoption @ gmail . com) and I'll send you our address! Things that would be good to take are formula, diapers, wipes and bath wash. They always need those!

We're praying that we will travel this winter- but still, check the dates on the formula to make them as far out as possible :)
