Consignment Sale!

I went to a Consignment sale and really scored big! It is so fun having the nursery set up so I know what things we still need! I showed some self-control by staying away from the clothes racks, although I was very tempted!

For $41, I got a collapsible baby gate, a changing pad, two rubber placemats/ food catchers, a piggy bank,  crib mattress covers, hangers, and a giraffe ball popper.

I went back the next day and got a pack and play (not quite the one pictured but very similar pattern) for $75!!! The same one was listed online for $150 and it was in excellent condition! I wanted a pack- and play that could be good for multiple babies (hey, we're just getting started!) so this one was perfect.

We're feeling a lot more prepared each day!
