Happy Ethiopian New Year!

Happy Ethiopian New Year! (Click here for more information on the Ethiopian New Year via Wikipedia!) Welcome to 2004, Ethiopia! :) For a new year's wish, we are hoping that this is a year of speedy (yet ethical) adoptions, and that the ET government continues to prioritize the needs of the orphans in the country. We pray every day for our little one in Ethiopia and for the people who are advocating for the families and orphans in ET. If this was not a fallen world, then there would be no orphan crisis. Thankfully, we cling to the hope that the Lord will come back and make all things right one day- and there will be no orphans or widows!

Speaking of hoping for the Lord's return, I don't know about you, but I've been glued to the TV today watching 9-11 footage and the memorial service. I have found myself in tears several times thinking about the tremendous losses and the people who died without knowing Christ as Savior. What a tragedy. What a blessing to live in America where there are so many people who daily sacrifice for our freedom. What a blessing that even if our daily freedoms were lost, we know that in Christ we are truly free from the bondage of sin.
