January 2016

Winter has been full and busy, and I've neglected the blog. So, prepare for lots of posts while I play catch-up. As mentioned before, this is my little space to document things for me to remember and I don't want to neglect this or my future self will be mad :). 

Edith is loving the art of dress-up. Her quail man getup is a fan favorite:

Since moving to New York my standard of what is appropriate be-outside weather has changed. 40 degrees is basically a spring day. 

I will say that we cannot wait until real summer to happen again because Israel gets pretty bored at the park, and he loves it when the water elements are turned on!

I met a friend at this cool park in Cobble Hill where there's a bunch of random abandoned toys. It has all kind of baby/toddler things and Edith loved it!

Not every moment with our princess is a happy one:

One day she was having a... "toddler moment" and I decided to pull out a princess dress and her pout became a grin in two seconds. She ran to the mirror to twirl around and she wore her princess dress to church that morning!

Cold mornings = bundling up for the bus:

Edith doesn't enjoy being bundled up. When it is really cold and windy I use my rain cover for the stroller when we're going places. I'm trying to make myself leave the house every day regardless of the weather, even if it is a trip to the gym or to the store. I don't want to go stir crazy!

There's a play place in the McDonalds in Bay Ridge. It's upstairs with no elevator so I can't take both my kids and haul the double stroller up there (I don't think Israel would enjoy it anyway). One day I took Edith and she was the only one there - queen of the playground!

Israel has enjoyed more than his share of "train" watching. Literally watching trains go back and forth on youtube. Days where it is super cold are really long.

My spunky girl. We have a pretty fun routine most days!

Will and I went to North Carolina for a pastor's retreat. It was so nice! We were able to see dear friends and be encouraged in our faith and calling to our city. Will's mom kept our kids for 2 days and we had a much needed respite.

....BUT.... this was my view the day after we got back. Laundry and snow piles. This is how I tote all my laundry to the laundromat. Thankfully it is only 1 block away.

Israel received this stuffed animal from a friend for Christmas (stuffed animal is named "Dog" - we now have Dog-Dog and Puppy and Dog). At first Israel was very scared of him but now it comes everywhere with him! It's sweet to watch him overcome his fear!

I thought most of the blizzard snow had melted but the closer I walked to the shore/water, the more it was piled up. I took the kids to the park one day (not in snow clothes) and we did the swings but then I made them leave because I didn't want them to get wet. They loved swinging but were not happy that I cut our outing short!

January was fun! More posts to come! :)
