Fairytale island

On Friday Edith had a day off from school, so I just had the girls for the day. After Annie's nap we were out running errands - had to go by Will's office, the post office, and then we were walking to McDonald's when we passed by one of Edith's classmates' dad. He told me their whole class was playing inside at Fairytale Island, so we went in after lunch! We played for about 2 hours and the girls had a blast.

Lately I've been thinking about the girls' personalities. I have been looking back at Edith's 1 year pictures and she was just so spunky and smiley from the start. It's not that Annie's NOT smiley - in fact she is such a happy and easy kid!! But it takes more work to get her to giggle or smile. She is very observant, happy to just be held or with someone. She was content to let me pick her up and carry her off to another play area without a fuss. She's accommodating, observant, and easily content. I wonder if this will continue to be her personality (will she be a #9 Peacemaker like her mama?!).

Anyways, it was a fun 2-hour outing at the play place. It stinks that it is so expensive ($18/kid ouch!). But it is fun to do something special every once in a while, especially on a day off from school.

Edith loved being there with all of her "Purple friends" (kids from the purple classroom at school). She and Jason were especially buds throughout.

Fairytale island January 2018 with girls from Rebekah McGee on Vimeo.
