Annalise: 12 months Old!

Dear Annie,

You are 12 months old... just like that the first year is over. What a fun and sweet year it was. I think I enjoyed your first year the most out of all my babies because I knew it was short-lived. You have been spoiled at times (hello cosleeping) and you love to be held by your mama. You only want to play "independently" if you know that an adult is in the room with you. If I walk away or stand up, you crawl after me sobbing.

You love to eat! Eggs, bread, fruit, spaghetti, yogurt bites, Cheerios.

You love your siblings and they ADORE you. You are standing up by yourself and starting to dance a little and clap! You are quick to smile and snuggle. You love to "check in" all the time with me and come say hi and give kisses or snuggles. You like baby dolls, barbies, and musical instruments. You get excited when we turn the TV on. You love to point at things and say "ooh!" but your only words at this point are mama and dada. We have to be sneaky when we exit because you get SO sad when you watch us leave.

You take two solid naps per day. You go to bed between 7-8 and are not yet sleeping through the night (although after your birthday we moved you to your bedroom with Edith and we're making progress in that department!). You wear size 3 diapers, size 9-12 or 12 month clothes. You're in size 3 shoes. You love your pacifier, and you love to accessorize.

All in all, you have been a true delight my girl. So sweet and silly and lovable. So thankful for God's gift of you in our lives. While three kids has been complicated and we have felt very outnumbered at times, you have brought a sweetness and slowness to our life that we needed.

Here you are trying desperately to get any drops of juice leftovers:

I took you to the doctor to see if you were sick. Just a little cold:

Sleepy babe at Disney:

HAPPY when eating! You loooove to eat!

Mischief!! Here you are ripping pages out of a New Yorker magazine. You are sneaky, fast, and can squeeze into corners and behind tables. You love to rush to the bathroom to play with loose toothbrushes and look into the tub. You like to play with toilet paper and pull up on everything. When you get in trouble or something is taken from you- goodness! Your head gets thrown back, real tears and your mouth open wide.

You are SO FUN! Love you little Annie. We have had so much fun loving you this year. You are adored by all. Your big sister loves to play with you and your brother wants you next to him all the time. He's always saying, "take Annie?" because he wants you to come along. 
