Christmas 2017 Random

Love these little Christmas snapshots of our kiddos. This year I want to remember how the kids loved ornaments, and making ornaments! Edith loved to point out which ones were "hers" (ballerina, this one says Edith!)

Annie was obsessed with the tree and I actually took the tree / decorations down on December r25 because I could not handle it anymore. Good riddance, bah humbug lol.

Israel loved singing happy birthday to Jesus.

Ahhh Annie! This was the first year that we almost had no ornaments by the end of the season. Annalise was always taking them off the tree!

He LOVED the tree in the Lobby!

One night during small group, Annie couldn't sleep because she heard a party going on. She came out and played with ornaments while my group met!

Festive girl loved dressing in Christmas outfits!

Right before Israel broke the lobby menorah from blowing it out, after singing happy birthday.

Toilet Paper tree after Auburn won the Iron Bowl:

Israel got a light-up car from his teachers. Let me be honest, it's already in the garbage! LOL

Love making memories with my kiddos. What a blessing advent is. This year I feel like our season was cut short because of our trip to Disney, but it was definitely still a full time. We never walked the Dyker lights this year, but we did manage to bake some goodies for neighbors and gifts for teachers. I was embarrassingly late on sending Christmas cards out (um after January) but that's okay. Any effort is grace, right? So thankful to be mama to these three ultimate blessings!
