Park days with Edith

Edith and I have this routine these days. After we send Israel to school we eat breakfast, watch Daniel Tiger on PBS and then head out to a park. 

Edith is a spunky girl. She's hard to keep up with and she loves to explore every inch of every place.

We bundle up on cold days!

She played with sidewalk chalk with Eila Stockton!

We loved the Narrows Botanical Garden on Shore Road. Edith explored and picked up sticks and leaves and just ran and ran. She loves being outside!

I am thankful for this girl and our routine. We are enjoying the sunshine while we still have it, even on the chilly days! And I love exploring and watching her soak in her surroundings. She's so curious and adventurous, it gives me so much joy to see life through her eyes. Give this girl a dirt patch and a stick and she will be entertained! 
