Doing Restorative Work

I had a really encouraging moment on Tuesday night. It was our GPS graduation night, which is where the prospective foster parents who have been going through 10 weeks of training are commissioned to the next stage of the process. One of the foster parents spoke to the workers in the room and thanked us for devoting our lives and making the sacrifices and investments (time, education, etc) to do God's restorative work in the lives of children. He said that we were a part of God's redemptive plan on earth, by helping children in difficult situations and being a picture of the gospel here.

I've heard my husband and many others preach on the value of work, and how our work can be used for God's glory. Honestly, I've struggled with my role as a working mom, and wondered what is the best for my children. I've really, really enjoyed my job and my children are doing great at daycare - they are there part-time and I can see the benefits to our family. There are certainly challenges with being a working mom, like staying up late fixing daycare bottles and folding laundry at 6 am. It does take sacrifice on our entire family for me to do my internship and to complete this master's program.

I was very encouraged, though, to be affirmed that what I am doing is worth it. I am investing in something bigger than myself, and I am taking part in God's restorative work. Although my children are my first ministry, I am able to use my skills and gifts for God's glory in and outside of my home. I know this is a privilege! I'm thankful for a supportive husband, a fantastic daycare, and the grace from the Lord to work in my life. It is amazing to look back and see how the pieces of the puzzle have been formed and are starting to make a picture. God is so good, so faithful, so sovereign! I do not know the next steps, but I know that He is working in my life and that His purpose is bigger than mine. I'm excited and eager to see what is ahead. 
