Nana Visits! Part 1

For mid-winter break, Will went on a trip to the Holy Land with my dad and some other pastors. Meanwhile, my mom came and helped me with the kids! It was such a blessing.

Mom helped me teach the prek class at church. 

Making cookies with Nana:

Monday morning mom took the bigs to the park while Annie napped. 

During Annie's morning nap on Monday, I took the big kids to see Peter Rabbit with Jen and Mila. Such a nice treat! Israel got a little bored but loved snuggling Jen. 

I can't remember which day this was, but there were two days that were sunny and glorious. No jackets for the kids! It was magic.

We saw Wiley!

Annie got so dirty playing:

Edith saw a friend from school, Gavin:

Love having a second hand at the park and that my kids got to do special things on their break!
