Arabic story time

A few weeks ago on a Saturday afternoon I took the kids to Arabic music and story time at the library. They showcased different instruments and dances, and tried to teach everyone to sing a song. Israel LOVED it, Edith was pretty bored.

We stayed there and then let them play a bit, picked out movies to take home and Israel picked out a book. Overall, we were gone almost 2 hours which was SO nice to not be in the house, but also so nice to have 2 hours of a pleasant outing!!! I love seeing my kids mature and that we can do this. Only a few months ago, in the fall, we were asked to leave the library because Israel was having a meltdown because he wanted to go on the elevator. It was a really upsetting day for me. I'm glad we could have a good redemption day there. It was also nice to just have the "big kids" as Will and Annie were home.

I love this picture of Edith checking out her items. She loves to check in and check out movies.

Reward for good behavior - DONUTS!
