Annie 13 months

Dear Annie,

You are 13 months and so much fun right now. Your personality is shaping up. You are quiet and thoughtful and mischievous. You love to climb on things, dress up in shoes and hats and necklaces. You love to read books and EAT. You want to be in the room with an adult at all times and still want to nurse throughout the day. You dance and stand alone (still not walking) and think it is very silly to bonk your head. You love peek a boo and clapping and playing with your siblings.

You do well in the care of others - at church, with your babysitter Selah, and when others hold you (as long as you don't see mama as an option). You crawl fast and you love to play in the bathroom and kitchen. You enjoy playing with the photo app on the phone, face timing family members, and playing with Barbies.

You're so sweet and cuddly and just all around darling.

Love you angel!!

