Thursday Highs and Lows (Nailing it & the Bathroom Lock-in)

Some brief, tiny moments in life, I feel like I'm nailing it. Last Thursday I had one of those thoughts where I was like, I'VE GOT THIS! I'm a great mom, taking my kids places and doing this!

The day started off well. Will helped us walk to the school, where Edith adorably mailed a letter.

Then we went to free breakfast.

Then I took all three to the park by myself. And we had fun and I didn't lose anyone.

Then we headed to the church for story time.

Back to free lunch, with friends this time. Again, we're nailing this day! We've done so much and it's only 12:00!

Then, back home. This is when it went south. I was trying to get Annie nursed and to sleep, when the big kids started fighting. Edith ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Note: we've only had this lock on the door for a few weeks. Our super recently changed all the door handles/ locks because they had been broken.

Edith locked in bathroom august 2017 from Rebekah McGee on Vimeo.
Edith couldn't figure it out. I called Will, he came home.

He couldn't figure it out. I called the fire department.

They busted the door to get her out. It was a low point.

I'm crying, Edith's crying, it was a tough situation. Will was upset about the fire department. Annalise miraculously slept through the fire department being right outside her door hacking at the bathroom.

All that to say, you win some, you lose some. 
