Annalise: 7 Months Old

Dear Annalise,

You are 7 months old! Here you are in mommy's vintage outfit, on mommy's vintage blanket!! So special.

Highlights of this month:

- Sitting up SO Well
-Eating puffs and baby food. You love Cheerios
- Still no teeth
-Need to have a hand or foot on mom at all times.
-We had a scare with your pediatrician this month. Your dr thought your head was too big, so we had to get an ultrasound, and it turns out you have "benign macrocephaly" aka big head :). We will monitor the size but it doesn't look serious!
- Rolling around but not going too far yet.
-Loves to shake toys.
-Still taking 2-3 naps, not sleeping through the night.
-Wearing 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

You're a doll, we're so thankful for each day with you!


First time in grass:

Date night with mom and dad to Coney Island Cyclones.

Loves sitting up in the bath!

Your scrunch nose is amazing!
