Gaga and Pop visit!

In August Gaga and Pop came to visit. They came up for Edith's birthday, and then took Israel down to Alabama for Camp GaGa.

It was a nice little visit. Unlike last year, we had AMAZING weather.

We went to the American Girl store and cafe for Edith's birthday:

Ate lunch at the diner around the corner.

Edith's first musical ride experience. We've thankfully avoided them for two years, thanks guys! ha

Edie picked out party hats and insisted we all play birthday party.

Waiting for Israel's bus:

We took the ferry into Lower Manhattan and the kids played and then we ate at South Seaport.

Dinner outside on a LOVELY night:

The men went to a Yankees/ Red Sox game.

Annie's counting down the days until she can go to Camp GaGa:

Got a babysitter for a fancy dinner at Tanoreen and then Thai Ice Cream!

Sunday morning farewells:

It's always so refreshing to have family visit. We loved having Evan around this summer and are sad that he's back in the South for now. It was a perfect weekend - lots of great memories, good weather, and fun outings!
