Edith's Baby Dedication {Nov. 2014!}

Back in November, we carried on a tradition of dedicating our children to the Lord publicly with our church. We did this with Israel on his first birthday weekend, which was so special as we thought of his birth mother and how we could honor the Lord with such a significant date.

Edith's baby dedication was when she was about 15 months old, and it was special because her grandparents were able to attend.

She was her true spunky self, which was to be expected. Edith wanted to go back and forth between us on stage! I know the Lord gave her a feisty personality for a reason... and I can't wait to see how He uses it for His glory.

Edith and Mary Collins (who was also dedicated the same day!)

Just as Hannah returned Samuel to the Lord...we know that Edith is not ours to keep forever. God has given us this sweet, sweet gift for us to shepherd and guide for His name. We are so thankful for this sweet, silly, SPUNKY girl and we know that the days may be long but the years are short. Time passes so quickly and we want to be accountable and encouraged by our fellow believers to guide our children in the ways of the scriptures.

We love you Edie!
