Scottsboro Homecoming Parade

Last weekend we went to Will's hometown for his 10 year reunion. But then, Israel ran a fever, had some crazy tantrums and we decided it was best to just head home. So Will didn't get to reunite.

Can I take a moment and say that I married a GOOD LOOKING MAN! :)
But we DID manage to make it to the homecoming parade. Will opted not to ride in his class float. FYI the parade is about 1/2 high school reunion floats and 1/2 girls in pageant dresses riding in convertibles. There were lots of Miss___ (Spanish Club, Drama Club, etc) winners at their high school!

I'm really thankful Israel seemed to enjoy it. We almost didn't go because Israel had just had a huge meltdown, but we decided a change of scenery might do us all some good. Edith didn't seem to care that there was a parade. :)

 The kids and their Pop!

Israel loves our new stroller! :) I'm thankful to be making memories with the kids and that we decided to go afterall. 
