New Things

Edith is 6.5 months, Israel is 2 years, 4.5 months:

  1. Edith is sitting up, for the most part! She still flops over a good bit, mainly because she is not content to just sit. She wants to go and see and touch everything. 
  2. Israel is drinking out of an adult cup with no lid! He gets water on himself a lot but I am so proud! I have to credit his daycare for starting this!
  3. Edith is not swaddled anymore when she sleeps. I saw her napping at school Monday un-swaddled and tried it at home.. she rolls around a good bit but then falls asleep. I was so worried about this transition but she was already doing it like a champ at school! Again, points for daycare!
  4. Israel is now saying "car!" and let me tell you... it is the most precious word in the world to me. I love that he says it all day long and that he knows what a car is. He hears cars going by outside and says it, he says "car" when we're playing with his toy cars, and he says "car" when we are in the car and seeing others drive by. I JUST LOVE IT. I'm so stinking proud. 
  5. Edith has now tried sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, rice cereal, oatmeal, and avocado. I can't believe she's old enough to do this, but I guess we're in the food stage!
  6. Israel has gotten SO much better with his walker. I truly believe this will be a big year for him. He's starting to lift his legs and take steps regularly when he has someone to help him. 
  7. Edith can put her paci back in her mouth. This may not seem like a big deal, but Israel never did that so it seems amazing to us! She will find it and put it in when she wants it. 
  8. Israel rode a horse at a birthday party! He loved it!
I am so proud of my kids. I can't believe I get to be their momma and I get to experience them make new milestones. They are my biggest gifts. 

*Ps the pictures at the top are not related but so funny to me. Edith and Israel already know how to push each others' buttons!*
