Thank You and Announcement

First, I want to say thank you for your kind comments and emails encouraging me in the wait. Still no court date here, but definitely feeling refreshed by the word of God and the reminder of His faithfulness. I also appreciate the grace given to me from some dear friends at a bachelorette weekend who took the time from celebrating the bride to weep with me in the wait. I tell you, this is a humbling and refining process!

The announcement is... my etsy shop is back (for now!). I will be honest, I haven't loved etsy so far, but since I have no craft fairs on the horizon, I am going to try to sell some stuff on there in hopes to get that last $5K that we need for Israel's adoption. If you don't mind, could you pass along my etsy link? Either on facebook or blogs? I want to thank my bff Leigh for making those beautiful wreaths that you see there! She worked hard to make wreaths when she was bringing home her son, and generously sent us those wreaths to sell for our son. In addition to etsy, we have applied for a grant and hope to hear soon from that as well. We're also contemplating another yard sale, and the idea of an online auction is still lingering. For now, let's get this etsy stuff sold! :)

Other exciting news is that we are having a baby shower! Our friends in North Carolina threw us a shower before we moved, and now our new church family is hosting one in a few weeks. I can't tell you how much it means to have people support us and get excited with us about Israel.


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