Weather Watch for the Yardsale!

Just a few days left!! It is almost yard sale day, this Saturday, and my incredible mother in law will soon have her dining room, garage, kitchen, yard, and car trunks back. We have been sooo blessed by the outpouring of support from our faith family in Alabama. So many families have donated, and Unclaimed Baggage is donating a second round of items for us tomorrow. One of my dearest college friends is taking off a work weekend to come and help out.

I am SO glad its a short work week, because already the clock is ticking way to slow. We are leaving late Thursday night and making our way south. I can't wait to hug my mother in law for all the hours upon hours of organizing and praying she has done. This woman LOVES our baby! We have an ad running in the "Daily Sentinel" in Scottsboro (which ironically, doesn't run daily) for a week, rented tables for the weekend, and a few volunteers lined up. We are ready!!!

But, there's one BIG way we could use YOUR HELP!!! Aside from coming to shop on Saturday (Scottsboro is about 45 minutes from Huntsville, AL or 2 hours from Birmingham, AL, or 1 hour from Chattanooga, TN) we NEED your prayers!

I just checked the weather and the forecast is 40% chance of "scattered thunderstorms" on Saturday! Please pray with us for good weather this weekend! Also, that the Lord would be glorified during our yard sale- that HE will be the one providing for our family, and that more families will come to know the Lord as savior through our adoption.

And, in case you were wondering, I haven't heard anything yet from our home study social worker... I am hoping we will have our 1st draft of her report by next weekend. We'll see...
