Happy Birthday Israel - Age 7


You are 7 Years old!

You are equal parts hard and delightful. There are moments that we see how much you are maturing and growing older.

You are still not sleeping through the night, and we have had a bad habit of putting you in our bed or laying with you. You fall asleep so easily but then wake up throughout the night. You just want a snuggle. At bedtime you want MAMA only to sit next to you while you fall asleep.

You love drumming with all of your heart. You can pick out a beat so easily and you bring drumsticks with you everywhere. You love to drum at church. You love the Drummers Grove. You want to watch drums, or "John" (Chris Stapleton) on Youtube all day. Speaking of John, anyone with a beard is John. Long-haired men are Scott.

You are in a new school setting this year and doing well so far. You still love the bus.

Physical accomplishments: you are walking farther! You don't want to be in the stroller. You can walk up the stairs by yourself if you want.

You are getting heavier and thicker! You wear size 7/8 clothes.

You've lost two bottom teeth and you were very proud to lose them, but the adult teeth have already grown in. You were very brave!

You love to "read" books, mainly board books and music books. Everytime we have friends over you want them to play in your room and you ALWAYS say "Look at all the toys!".

You are starting to potty train!!! You ask to poop in the potty, and you say "I pee in potty!" You're starting ask to go at school too. I'm so hopeful this will be your big year, buddy.

You love church and are in the big kid class now. You sit in worship and drum and sing your heart out. I love watching you worship.

Israel, this has been a hard year. There have been days with you that I feel so stretched and challenged by you and doubt my abilities to parent you. But you are darling and worth it. You can be sweet, and I just need to put aside myself and meet you where you are buddy. I'm sorry I fall short and that I don't give you the patient responses you need sometimes. I'm very thankful for you and how you are the living, walking miracle in my house.

Love, MAMA
