Annalise: 11 months

Dear Annie, You are 11 months old!!!

You are cruising along furniture, starting to stand alone for a few seconds, and crawling so fast. You have four teeth up top and two on the bottom. You are wearing 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers, size 3 shoes. You have the most beautiful red hair and still have cute little arm rolls, even though you're starting to thin out.

You still don't sleep through the night, but you take 2 decent naps during the day. You love to eat and you dance while you eat like your dad and sister!

You give sweet snuggles, are leaning in for kisses, and will wave. You love to clap and smile but you can have a big pout when you don't get your way. You wave your arms in distress when you're not happy, and you nod in agreement when we are understanding you. You like to grunt and point.

You love baby dolls, your siblings, being in the Ergo carrier, and fruit. You don't like getting your nose boogers sucked out. You had a fever for 5 days this month, which was so pitiful.

We are so happy to have you in our life. You're moving into toddlerhood faster than we would like! It seems like ages ago that you were a tiny babe. We are so thankful for the sweet and joyful gift that you are to us. We don't deserve you little angel!


Your babysitter Selah and her son Wiley:
