9&10 months

It is definitely getting harder to take this girl's picture!!

She didn't want to be forced to lay down:

Annie, your 9th and 10th months are here and you are such a delightful baby, as always.

You love to eat and have abandoned any baby food. You love blueberries, cheese, deli meat, bread, waffles, and squirt pouches. You kick your legs under your high chair when you eat. You still nurse throughout the day and night, and love to drink water from cups.

You are crawling and pulling up and now CRUISING along furniture. You often get stuck in places behind chairs or under dressers. You love playing with the baby gate door and sitting in the mudroom playing with shoes.

You take 2-3 naps a day and go to bed around 6:30-7 and "sleep" until 5:30/6 am.

You have the sweetest cackle and belly laugh. You love playing peek a boo and hiding your face. You sometimes give kisses. When you're tired you snuggle so good on our shoulder. Throughout the day you have to touch me constantly. You'll play for a few minutes, come over to touch my leg, then go back to play.

You love your siblings, and only like taking a bath when they're in the tub with you.

You're wearing 9-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers. You weigh about 20 pounds. You have 3 teeth (two on bottom, 1 on top).

You're a joy and delight little Annalise! We love you so much.
