Let's Talk Embryo Adoption

 Did you know there are over 1 MILLION embryos currently frozen in the US, awaiting implantation? Many of these embryos are waiting for new parents, as the donor parents may not be willing/able to use them. 

Embryos are creating using sperm + egg. Now, these embryos may be a result of genetic parents that are married, or they can be used through donor egg and/or donor sperm as well. The genetic parents may not be the donor parents, but the donors who are responsible for the embryos have the legal property ownership of these embryos. 

Why would donors not want to implant the embryos themselves? There could be many reasons for this, including they have already completed their family through IVF or other ways of parenting. They might have separated or divorced, or their life changed and they no longer see these embryos as a part of their family building. The family/clinic might have created more embryos than they needed for their vision of children in their family. 

If you are feeling called to adoption, and can carry a child through pregnancy (EVEN WITH!!! infertility history/endometriosis/ IVF failure in the past!) then I would urge you to consider the "rescue mission" of offering the chance of life to these frozen embryos. 

Embryo adoption can occur through closed/anonymous donors to the recipient family, or there can be open relationships where genetic siblings and families can stay in touch! 

I was recently given the opportunity to tour one of the leading clinics on embryo adoption, and it was amazing to hear the staff's heart for life and the potential for a future of these frozen "image-bearers." I urge to to pray for the future of these frozen babies and the families who are willing to say YES to adoption and YES to embryo adoption!
