Annalise: 16 Months

Dear Annie,

You are 16 months and SO MUCH FUN. You love to snuggle, blow kisses, wave bye, eat food all day. Anytime you see me eating anything you want to try it. You love Cheerios, fruit, ham/chicken, and yogurt. You kick your legs and grin when you are in the high chair (unless you don't like what I have offered you, and you throw food out and try to climb out- in your defense, you do sit back down when I say "Sit on your bottom!"). You only drink milk and water, and when you're lucky you will find a forgotten juice cup from your siblings. You like taking sips of my smoothies and think you're so big drinking out of a straw.

You sleep through the night and take 1-2 naps per day. You will play in your crib until you fall asleep and when you wake up, as long as Edith is still in the bed. When she gets up in the morning you cry if you are left alone in the bedroom. You don't like being alone, in fact you follow me from room to room and it is a really dramatic moment if I dare close the bathroom door. You are walking now and love to push your baby stroller around or carry buckets and baskets. You are always filling them with random things that you find and I love to see what you've chosen. You love baby dolls and when you are getting up from bed, you always have to grab as many things from your bed as your hands will hold. You are obsessed with your pacifier and don't like it when I jokingly take it out of your mouth (although occasionally you like to share with mom).

You love going to play with Selah and Wiley when mommy works- in fact you often prefer that Selah holds you when we see her at church. You have started to get out and play at the courtyard at Edith's School when it is time to pick her up and you love walking around with the big kids. You just went down the slide at the playground for the first time and you loved it and kept trying to crawl back up the slide to do it again. You love the swings but only for a few minutes, and you really just love walking around and exploring at parks. You like to make me hold your hand so you can boss me around about where we're going to go.

You love accessorizing and dressing up. If you see a pair of shoes you need to wear them and you like to put bows on your head, things around your neck like a necklace or scarf, and you often bring me your jacket to wear around the house. You like wearing your Minnie and Elsa costumes. You love to put on Edith's helmet and walk her scooter around the house.

You love bath time with your siblings, giggling with them and Facetiming your family. You can be very aggressive and clingy when someone has a toy that you believe is yours. You can shed tears easily when you experience an "injustice" and you will try to swat at people when you don't like something. You've learned to blow kisses and give kisses, although they are open mouth and usually include some wet boogers. You like to give me kisses between the rails of the crib when I'm putting you to bed.

You love to read books, watch TV, pretend to color with crayons, and dance. You will lift your arms up and walk around when we are playing music. You lift your foot up to smell your "stinky feet" and you cover your face to play peekaboo. You can say several words - ball, baby, book, buh for cup, bye, mama, dada, hi. You love to hold my phone, pretend to talk on it, and take pictures of yourself. You get excited about going outside, you like riding on my back in the Ergo carrier. You recently ate a whole McDonalds happy meal.

Annie, you're just a lot of fun and sweetness. You are a toddler now and you have opinions and a personality. You bring us so much delight and we are just so thankful for the gift of knowing and raising you.
