Edith: One Month Old

Dear Edith,

You are one month old! The last month has flown by. We were so excited to meet you and have been so blessed by having you in our family. It is amazing how much we loved you immediately. Your dad and I talk about how we did not realize that there was a gap in our life until you came. You are so precious and we are so thankful for you!

You aren't really doing much these days, yet we can't help talking about how all the "nothing" that you do is so stinking cute. Your faces when you sleep, wake up, stretch out.... you have us completely smitten. You were born with chunky cheeks and I'm afraid that you may just be a chunky baby! You love to eat, girlfriend! You are a great sleeper and will sleep 2-4 hour stretches at night. You also sleep a LOT during the day. We aren't on a set schedule yet, but you sleep way more than you are awake.

You are already starting to fit in 0-3 and 3 month outfits, although you were so tiny when you were born. You weighed 7 pounds 6 ounces at birth, then went down to 6 pounds 15 ounces when we left the hospital, but you had regained to 7 pounds 7 ounces at one week old! Yay Edith! We are glad you are growing and are so healthy. God is good!

We are loving dressing you up and snuggling you. Even your brother doesn't seem to mind you anymore, and he likes to reach for you and pet you. Only once has he accidentally smacked you in the head, and you forgave him pretty quickly.

We love you so much, our Diva Princess! That is the name we have affectionately deemed you. You are our sweet, sassy girl and we are so thankful for you.

Much love,
