Apartment pictures

I decided to share some deceptively cropped pictures of our apartment! I'm SO thankful for this space, and trust me, I know how amazing it is to have three bedrooms in New York. God has been good to us and I really, really love our home. These are all taken with my iphone and there's a bunch of junk moved to hallways and out of sight so you can believe that I actually have a tidy and clean home! :)

Thanks for "stopping by" and come visit in person! :)


  1. I loved seeing these pictures. What a sweet cozy place you have made for your family! I love what you said about "staging" for pictures - we all do that in one measure or another. I don't want people seeing our messes either! God has placed you'all on my heart and I welcome the opportunity to pray for you. He is your strength, sweet girl..... L


  2. Manifestation Miracle Review

    Nothing is as it seems, appearances are just that. This truth may be hard to believe because of the present circumstances, however, it is a good truth that provides comfort and hope. Your fears have a minus effect on your ability to manifest the objects of your desire. The feeling of fear and helplessness keeps your mind out of sync.



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