Seven Months Old!

Dear Israel,

Today you are Seven Months Old! That is crazy for me to type, because it means that you are over half-way to your first birthday! As I type this, you are laying on your playmat, grinning up at me and chatting away. You are always doing something cute, and I know I better remember these early days because things are bound to change so fast and you will be learning and doing so much more cute stuff soon! You are OBSESSED with your cute hands, and you have figured out how to stick your feet straight in the air when you are getting a diaper change or when you're in the bath. You're ALMOST sitting up by yourself and you have started to roll over to the side for a second. I'm sure soon you will be rolling over and making all kinds of developmental progress!

In other developmental news, you are making great eye contact and you will follow a toy with your eyes- you really like this squeaky giraffe toy and will turn your head every way to follow its noise. We've tried rice cereal a few times with you, and after a few failed attempts you finally ate a whole bowl AND some peas last night! You take a paci well, but we have to hold it on your face when we're trying to get you to sleep because otherwise you spit it out- you don't really know what to do with it, and you can't hold toys or your paci yet in your hand. You have figured out how to hit the toys on your playmat and in your bouncy seat, so maybe soon you'll be able to grab them too!

You love being in the Ergo with Mama and you typically fall asleep in it pretty hard. We wore it a lot in Ethiopia, and even at home it seems to do magic for you when you're fussy. You like your stroller and your carseat, but your favorite place to be is lying on your back so you can kick your feet and stare at the ceiling fan. You have been sleeping in your crib at night and during naps, but somehow every morning you manage to end up in bed with mama and daddy for morning snuggles... we don't mind and you love it! You love being kissed, which is a good thing- because you get LOTS of kisses all day! When we kiss your cheeks it makes you smile and shows off the little dimple you have on your left cheek, which makes us kiss you more! You love bath time and being lotioned down. We have started to play a "Praise Baby" cd in your room every time its naptime/nighttime, so hopefully you'll start to understand your sleep routine more. Sometimes we will have you 99% asleep and then as soon as we lay you in your crib, you wake up and grin at us with the biggest smile. You're a bit rotten, my love! We have been calling you by both of your names, Israel Biruk, and sometimes we get some acknowledgment when we say them. But almost every time you give me a big smile when I say "I'm your Mama!".

Things you don't like: when we try to make you stand, when we change your clothes (you love being naked, but the process of taking off clothes or putting them on just angers you!),

As far as size goes, you are wearing 6 month clothes, but mainly because that's the smallest size we have for you. You are really long but tiny- so you don't fill out your clothes very well in the width. Hopefully all the TLC we're giving you will bulk you up soon! We went to the doctor yesterday and he said that you are 14 lbs, 5 ounces (20th percentile) and 27 inches (90th percentile).

It's hard to believe we have known who you are for over 5 months, and you've been in our arms for almost 2 weeks. We love you so much and you bring us so much joy.



  1. I'm so glad you're writing these letters; they will be a treasure to him and already are to your readers :) You guys sound like you're doing fantastic!


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