
THANK YOU to all of you who have signed the petition. If you haven't, go ahead and do it- it takes about 30 seconds! http://www.gopetition.com/petition/43714.html

Updated to Add: There is also a facebook event that a few of us created yesterday. It is the perfect way to invite all of your "friends" on facebook! The event is called 'Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children'- and you  can easily invite all of your friends on facebook if you do this: 
To invite all your friends to the event (rather than selecting them all)..

-Click 'Select Guests to Invite'
Put this code in the URL and hit enter:
javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}

It may take a minute to load depending on the size of your friend list. Click Send.
All your friends were just invited!

Here is an update from our agency:

Dear Families,
We know that there has been so much communication from our office regarding this petition! Right now though, we want to THANK YOU for your support and your efforts in sharing about this cause. As of just minutes ago there were just over 16,000 signatures. That is a huge increase from this morning! We believe that, with all of our continued efforts, this will only continue to build momentum as we finish out the week.
There are a couple other things that we wanted to share with you. Mostly this has all come to us by way of posts through the JCICS.

• First of all, the Department of State (DOS) has posted on their website about this proposal by MOWA. As of right now the first step is for the DOS to host a caucus call this Friday. This call will be a great opportunity for all non-government organizations, adoption service providers and other international advocacy organizations to connect and talk about where to go from here. Historically, these calls have been very positive and always showing that there is an incredible united front working on the behalf of the children. We will all be participating in this call and would appreciate your prayers for wisdom for all of these leaders.

• The JCICS continues to be involved with this process and will continue to keep us updated. Below is a recent post from Tom DiFilipo, the Executive Director. He, along with his team, are continuing in the efforts to reach out to MOWA and share their concerns if this plan is to go through. Please be encouraged though—this team is very good at what they do and we will continue to keep you posted on their progress.
Thank you again! We have been blown away by your support and commitment during this time.

Post from Tom DiFilipo, Executive Director of JCICS
Date March 9, 2011
Regarding Ethiopia
Dear Colleagues,
In only 24-hours, over 11,000 concerned individuals have joined our Emergency Campaign for Ethiopian Children by signing our petition. We extend our thanks to all of our members who have supported this initiative by signing the petition and distributing the campaign information.
Today, we have continued our communication with the Ethiopian Government and respectfully brought the outpouring of concern to them. We believe that there may have been positive developments and will provide further updates as information is confirmed.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Best Wishes,
Tom DiFilipo

(Bekah again:) 
We can't rave enough about AGCI. We are so thankful that we are contracted with them and for the support they give their families.

Also, despite this uncertain time we are once again seeing how faithful God is. Thank you for praying! Several court dates and referrals went out yesterday! God is so good. Will and I were also encouraged last night at our church-wide prayer night for Ash Wednesday. Thanks to those of you who prayed with us and for putting our hearts in perspective. God is sovereign! We are trusting that this is in His plan for our family- whatever the outcome is.
