DATE DAY - Celebrating Will

Thanks to Kyle & Colette, Stella, Elinor & Lindsey, Erica Pang, and Alto - we had an entire Day off Saturday for Will's birthday and to celebrate that he turned in his PhD dissertation! 

We started the morning in the Meatpacking District for brunch. Then we went to a few landmarks that were significant in Will's dissertation (Jane Jacobs, a church). We went to Little Italy for cannoli and Chinatown where we got cheap art. 

We stopped in Rudy's Guitar Shop. We ate lunch at Chicken Cone. We went to MOMA then opted to go to Central Park and sit and read outside for an hour. We got some more cheap art- little New Yorker art. 

We went to St. Pat's Bar and watched the Auburn game (we won - it was an awesome time!).

Finally we finished the night with Shakespeare in the Park (MacBeth) in Bryant Park with some pizza. 

Also - Lindsey made Will a homemade Apple Pie. it is amazing and I've had It for breakfast for several days. 
