Easter 2018

Easter this year:
-great weather
-my 31st birthday
-had a few families over for dinner (Dodds, Muellers, Bentleys).
-Edith was so excited that I was going to have a bunny cake for my birthday that I quickly added a bunny shape to the eclair I made.
-we were tired from the Eggstravangza the day before but it was good
-I got to sit I service for easter
-my dress wouldn't zip so cardigan was essential
-my mom bought the kids coordinated outfits
-big kids got PJs, girls got sunglasses, all kids got personalized books (Annie and the Wild Animals, Edie is ever so helpful, and I am so Brave) plus some snacks/ candy.

Easter Baskets:

Edith and Mila -

Lil Easter party, babies enjoying the bunny:

Easter Mustache after church:

New Easter PJS, new Easter book, mom's unicorn hat: 
