UCP Telethon Recap

Last weekend was the UCP Telethon on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. We were blessed to be a part of both days' events. God was gracious to us and each day was best-case-scenario for how the kids behaved. Both days we had brief interviews on TV and it was so much fun. Israel had a blast, which was a huge answer to prayer. He loved the music acts between interviews and was so thrilled to see all of his favorite people from UCP. The staff set up a play area for kids and both Israel and Edie had fun playing with their teachers!

This weekend was so encouraging to me in many ways. The telethon raised over $270,000 for special needs children and adults. At one point one of the speakers said that the room was filled with hope as everyone rejoiced with the new numbers that would come in. It was so true. There was a unity in our joy as we celebrated the community coming together to hope and believe that life for those with disabilities was worth living and thriving in. It was amazing to hear testimonies of other families and see how they have progressed. I loved seeing people believe that those with disabilities are worth an investment. It served my heart because I was allowed to hope for Israel that he would continue to make progress because of the investment of our community and the work of UCP. It was truly an honor to be a part of the event. Here are some pictures!

Check out this article in the Anniston Star!



Ms. Cynthia was Israel's teacher at UCP last year. He loves her so much!

Ms. Mill is the baby teacher at UCP daycare. Both of my kids have loved her and flourished in her care at school!

Israel's teacher Ms. Amy. He loves her and loves all of his UCP teachers!

It meant SO much to us that these students came down to support us. We love them so much, especially the kids!
