God Is Faithful!

Just wanted to pop in and give a huge PRAISE JESUS because God has met us where we are this week, and once again shown us how detailed His faithfulness is.

At the beginning of the week, I had a very discouraging, tear-filled conversation with our insurance agency when they told us how few of therapy visits Israel got per year. We were really hoping to add to his therapy sessions and not only do physical, but occupational and speech too. This conversation with our insurance basically said we couldn't do all three, and would have to choose what therapy would be a priority.

I called our pediatrician, saying "how do we choose?" when Israel needs so much help, but there is a limited number of therapy appointments he can get per year.

And God already had it planned out!

Our state Early Intervention Program, where we receive 2 PT visits per month, has graciously offered to do one visit per month of PT, Speech AND OT! This is a tremendous gift and we are so grateful that they are willing to stretch beyond what their books allow to meet Israel's needs. They truly care for us. I can't thank our EI team enough.

In other good news, I was accepted into graduate school to pursue my Masters in Social Work (I have a BSW). This has been a long-time dream for me, and when we got married Will promised that I would have my "turn" to do school and he has certainly encouraged me to be in this place now pursuing it. I am so thankful for Will and that he supports me in pursuing my masters. My desire is that with a MSW I can work in adoptions, write homestudies, or work with special needs families. I believe that I will work part-time while I have young kids, but I am anxious to get back into the work field and to continue using the gifts God has given me, while also being a mama.

With the thought of doing grad school (online, by the way) Will and I knew that we would put Israel in day care about 2-3 days a week. Our WONDERFUL EI program also has a day care offered to their clients- and Israel would get 2 free days per week! What a gift. Seriously, God is so gracious to us and today I am just seeing how detailed and specific He is in His care for me and my family.


  1. I love reading your blogs-you are so inspiring! It is nice to see that you want to use your gifts as a social worker while being a mama. I have a 12 month old and I'm going back to work as a public health nurse at the end of this month. I always knew that I needed to work even when I have children, but sometimes I just second guess the decision and wonder if I should stay full time at home. I have lots of friends that are full time stay at home moms and it is hard not to compare lifestyles. I think it is great to be confident knowing that using your gifts in work outside the home is right for your family. I am excited for my daughter and future kids to see their mommy working, keeping educated and helping others through a job outside the home. It will be a challenge at times I am sure to balance the outside work with looking after my children's needs and our home.


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