On the Eve of your Birthday


Tomorrow is your birthday and you are currently tucked safely into bed upstairs asleep. Lately I have been overwhelmed with thoughts about Ethiopia and where you were last year. I think about it all the time and wish that I could have met you from day one, but clearly God is sovereign and His timing is perfect.

Son, even though you were never in my belly, you have been in my heart for many years. This time last year, while you were nestled in your birth mom's womb, I was aching for you. When you took your first breaths and made a perfect cry somewhere in Gambella, I was crying for news that my baby was safe at Hannah's Hope. God was working in both of us, baby, preparing us for each other.

Until I knew who you were, I was busy preparing a room for you and was staring at my phone for news! I was scared to be away from your dad for fear that we wouldn't be together when we got the big news that you were ready for us.

So, although we were not together last year, God was knitting us together then. And I'm so thankful that He has continued to knit us together. You are a part of us, baby, in a way makes me feel like you were a part of me forever and as if I did carry you!

I'm also thinking about your birth family. If I could have things "my way"- we would have an open adoption and your birth family would see you grow up. Unfortunately, that is not possible. But we will continue to pray for your birth family and I am praying God gives extra grace to them this week.

You are very loved baby, and you always have been.

Love, Mama
