
So we all know that I'm busy collecting formula, right? Well can I brag about a purchase I just made?? I just got SIX ready-made Similac Soy formula bottles for THIRTY CENTS at Walgreens! As in thirty pennies/ three dimes/six nickels or 5 cents each!!!! Thank you Jenny for your formula coupons!

So here is my current formula collection:

All sorted according to expiration date!

It makes me SO SO SO HAPPY to see all of this laid out. I also have lots of diapers, wipes, and baby wash in my closet that will one day head overseas to Ethiopia. As you can see, I sorted the formula today according to expiration date (that's what the different rows are) and I'm going to send the most-approaching expiration dates' formula to some soon-traveling families this week. What a joy it is to be a part of this! It blesses me so much to have friends who have sent formula, formula checks, or coupons. I think I talked to everyone in Walgreens today about our adoption and how my 5 cent formula was going to babies in Hannah's Hope.
