Highs and Lows

It's been a week since I've blogged, so how about a little "highs" and "lows" recap?

High Point:
-Had dinner with two other local AGCI Ethiopia families, both on the waitlist for sweet kids from Hannah's Hope. It was great connecting with other adoptive families and seeing the blessing of an adoption community. We thought we'd lost that when we moved, and the Lord provided that for us again. So good!

 Low Point:
-Almost caught the kitchen on fire the other day. No lie, I left the room for less than a minute and returned to see my pot of boiling water ON FIRE! I'm talking flames, people. Thankfully nothing else caught fire and I'm just down an old Chefmate pot. I'm still finding floating bits of ash around the kitchen.

High Point:
-I have found a few ways to make myself distracted. I have enjoyed the company of several friends, and even started volunteering at a local non-profit. Yay for distractions! Yay for our incredible library! Yay for finally finishing the curtains in the kitchen!

Low Point:
-Every single day, I imagine how the day would look different if we got the referral that day. Every time I meet with someone or have a plan, I preface the time with "if I get a phone call I have to go." After doing this for, uh, 3 weeks straight... it gets a little exhausting. Some days are better, and some days it is really hard.

High Point:
-I was able to talk to a precious friend in NC last week, who brought home a Hannah's Hope baby this summer. Her family sat at #1 for 9 weeks last winter, and she had some great encouragement for me in the waiting season.

Low Point:
-Not being able to sleep at night because I can't control my roaming mind, and not being able to nap because I fear missing a phone call.

High Point:
-Being able to share with new people about our adoption process and having people be excited about it with us. Being able to easily share the gospel because adoption is such a clear picture of it.

High Point:
-Having scripture that testifies of God's goodness and faithfulness. Knowing that truly, His plans are best and His timing is right.

High Point:
-Lots of good news came out of Ethiopia in the last week. Families passing court while they were there (this is huge!) and embassy news. Praise God for movement and for children coming home to forever families soon!

High Point:
-Being in Jacksonville. It's hard to be away from the community we had, but God is so faithful and we are seeing His fruit here in awesome ways. This will be a great place to bring our baby home to.

High Point:
-When you have salvation in Christ, the high points always, always outweigh the low points.


  1. Great perspective!!! Hoping you don't have too many more days of waiting at #1!!!

  2. I am so happy your highs out number your lows.
    I admire you for your strength in waiting. God has something extra special coming up for you!

  3. praying for you!!! Being #1 even for 3 days was SUPER hard! You have an awesome perspective though!

  4. hang in there! just think your days are numbered now, you have reached the end and your wait is almost over, you will see your baby's face sooner than later! hooray!!! you are strong!

  5. Hey--Can't wait for you to get that referral! We are just starting the process for Ethiopia and couldn't be more excited!!



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