
Greetings friends!

Just wanted to give a little update... just because I haven't posted, doesn't mean there hasn't been a good bit going on. The Lord has been so good to us; we have received several things back to us that we were warned could take several weeks (FBI Clearances, passport, etc) and things are going very smoothly so far. We intend to send off our Eyes Wide Open workbook today or tomorrow (but we also realize that the social worker who clears our education is going on a month long honeymoon from June 1 -July 1) so it doesn't matter how fast we send it in now, she probably won't get to it until she gets back.

Our first home study appointment is on Saturday, May 29th. My blogstalking investigations have shown that other families get long meetings the first time, in which interviews and inspections are done... not so in our case. Our social worker said we would meet 4 times, the first time would only be an hour so we can go over the process. I'm a little disappointed... Let's get this going! She only works on the weekends, so I asked if we could have 4 consecutive weekend appointments. I hope that works out!

So this week, Will and I are working on the last few things for our dossier, cleaning the house for the home study on Saturday, dreaming of nursery items for a baby (oh maybe that's just me!) and clicking "refresh" on our bank account to see how in the world we are going to pay for the dossier (haha).

Truly, God has been faithful to us so far. We have clearly seen His hand in providing for us and know that He will continue to do so. Thank you friends for praying alongside us!


  1. Glad to hear you have a lot going on!

    That workbook was just painful for us this time around. (Wasn't a requirement the first time.)

    Hope the first homestudy visit goes well for you. It should be just fine!

  2. oh yay! i'm so glad you already have your FBI clearance! that was fast! they must have gotten caught up now! hope your visit goes well... i'm sure it will!


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